


Sessions for teachers

One or Two-Hour Sessions              

A brief introduction, suitable for

  • Professional Learning/Development Day
  • University Class
  • Conference
  • Convention

Eight-Hour Course        

The full-meal-deal.
Descriptor - The ukulele is once again, an integral part of a music educators' arsenal. How to teach it well, is a skill to be learned. Designed for teachers, this eight-hour course introduces sound ukulele pedagogy and a sequential plan of lessons for beginner players that will result in strong student outcomes and satisfaction for both teacher and learner. Educators will leave with a comprehensive, practical plan to confidently tackle what may seem daunting and unfamiliar. The program presented is based on Monica's 30+ years in the elementary music room.

  • In One Day – Condensed Eight-Hour Course, it's a lot to take in on one day, but doable.
  • Over Two Days – not quite as intense.
  • Four Mornings in a row – summertime? On my porch! Lovely. Coffee & Baileys available.
  • Over Four Weeks – your best bet, two hours once a week. Mrs. Dear's Ukulele Course for Music Teachers, eight hours of instruction for teachers so they can be armed, dangerous, organized and inspired do a darn fine job of teaching ukulele to their students.

Teacher Ukulele Gang (TUG)           

I feel a cunning plan coming on . . . no details . . . yet.

Build to Suit ​

Do you have an idea? Let's talk.


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
